nyc noise

~ always incomplete ~


TOP SITE RANTS: NO LONGER DISTRACTING U ON MAIN PAGE!!! but i will add a rotating cast of ~relevant tidbits~ over here ok // 2.11.24 update: i guess we shouldn't be surprised that i'm already putting tons of stuff at top of main page again, huh... SRY GREG; CHANGE IS HARD!!! anyway it could be worse, like this!!!

about | @nyc_noise
submit: gcal / gform /
(with date & time, artists, address, age/access, link)
bandcamp roundup

$5 / month! :D or patreon, venmo, paypal (thnx!!! truly, cannot convey!!!) or email (ex. subj: MONEYS (lol)) to hire me for a (photo, door, bar, socials consult, etc.) gig!

→ PALESTINE = quick daily actions, venues, pacbi lists, etc. = PACBI-specific, w/ sample statement & guidelines

++ letters: musicians for palestine + artists against apartheid + ceasefire now

orgs / organizers: within our lifetime (twitter, telegram) • PYM NYCWAWOGbx palestine solidaritynodutdolasians 4 palestineuptown 4 palestinepal-awdahealthcare workers for palestineisraelis for ceasefirepeople's forumJVP NY +++ on campus: @cuny4palestine / @johnjaysjp@nyu_sjp, @nyu.psc@sjp_cooperunion@fordhamsjp / @fordhampsn@sao.pratt@fit.sjp@sjp.sva@tns.sjp@sjp.columbia / @cuapartheiddivest / @columbia.jvp / @fsjp_cbt / CUAD telegram


HARM REDUCTION: narcan training (vid, quiz, request) + how to use test strips (vid) + narcan + fentanyl test strips (request) + more harm reduction resources

COVID: latest i have @

basement apts: get emergency flood alerts

tenant resources: MOST VITAL website (don't worry, nyc noise understands!!!),


club a (@club_a_nyc): every weds & sat, 12pm-3pm, mutual aid distro @ bushwick city farms (MAP)


they're a range of ACCESS designators for literal physical access (can a wheelchair user get inside? ♿️ / ☑️), entry policies (are all ages allowed? 🅰️), covid safety (are ppl protected? 😷), & financial access (can poor ppl hang? 🌀).

🅰️ = all ages
♿️ = wheelchair accessible
☑️ = accessible w/ caveats (e.g. no ada restroom)
📶 = not wheelchair accessible (GET IT, STEPS)
😷 = mask policy

❓: plz email info &/or add an accessibility statement to yr site!

$$ = $30+ (too pricey for me, but i get it)
$$$ = $50+ (RARE cuz prolly not my ppl)
🌀 = free, NOTAFLOF [no one turned away for lack of funds], or suggested donation

(i avoided this for a long time bc i think it's important to pay artists for their work if u can, but some of us truly are *broke,* & sometimes i don't wanna send the shameless list request lol/woof...) remember: if u can afford drinks, u can afford door!!!


ON YR PHONE, for ~app-style~ shortcut, click "↑" or "..." & "add to home screen"

find yr regulars // "blog" // sites like this

faves = noise, jazz, avant-whatever, experiments & improvisations, "new music," punks, sludge, radicals, queers, collectives, Nice Pals, prison abolition & palestinian liberation (check the within our lifetime toolkit)

tell me about neat things && let's build resources off social media plz :D

monthly mailing list LAUNCHÉD;
sign up to receive RAMBLING MISSIVES :D
rn it's lil thing on main page under calendar yay